Pushdown Automata
A pushdown automaton (PDA) is a state machine with a stack. They can either be deterministic or nondeterministic. Mathematically, they are weird to look at. It is better to be deterministic rather than nondeterministic because you control what your application will do even if you do not know the exact order of user input. They…
Stock Market Game
From the book “Announcing Computer Games for Business, School and Home” by J. Victor Nahigian and William S. Hodges, this post is about two interesting games: Star Trek and Stock Market. There are many good games in this book, but I’ve chosen these two because they are interesting to me today. In the past, I…
Gamedev This Year
Furtual Rabbit was my first game in a year. It was revealing how out of practice I had gotten. It might be time to start doing more One Hour Game Jams. On the other hand, I got a lot of experience with computer graphics and simulation techniques which was my main focus during the academic…
Furtual Rabbit Ludum Dare 44
The Ludum Dare 44 theme is “Your life is currency.” So I created a capitalist virtual pet game called Furtual Rabbit: A Defurred Income Game. The goal of the game is to raise an Angora Rabbit. You have to feed, water, brush, and clean to keep the quality of the rabbit fur high so that…
C++ Vector and Matrix Library
I am working on an open source Vector and Matrix Library for C++ and TypeScript. I am calling it FluxionsGTE and FluxionsWebGTE, respectively.
Marco Polo (LD41)
Part Adventure, Part Action. Marco Polo is journeying across Asia with his camels. But many deadly foes and situations lay ahead. Will he survive the 6,000 mile trek? Play and rate: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/41/marco-polo